What is that now, you might ask...... Well, it's got to do with mobile phones, and it is the ULTIMATE in personalizing, or "customizing", a phone to one's likes.
A "Flash file" is the phone's operating system. Just like a computer, the phone has a software in it, and when you power up the phone, it boots this software and runs it.
On the newer phones, you can expand this software by installing (yes, really "installing") add-ons such as JAVA games or even new features, sometimes pre-set in the SIM card.
Now, the operating system of a phone is of course much smaller and simpler than that on a computer, and some people are so into that matter, that they can actually reverse-engineer that operating system and modify it to their likes, i am talking here about things such as changing the basic graphics, menu structures, adding new and MORE ringtones and even new menu items. In the article about my 3310 (3315) i already wrote about that, the "hacker stuff" was such a "modded" flash file.
Now, i have found a real genius in flash modding, his name is LITO DICDICAN, a filipino guy.
He created a flash for the good old 5130 that makes this somewhat outdated phone a real eye catcher. I am now myself also getting into this stuff, and i even modded his flash a bit further (i added the "inverted LCD" feature) and on this page i wish to show you his works.
To get such a software into a phone, you need a "flasher" which can either be bought (a cheap version cost from 20 us$ up) or even home made. I took that way of building my own, and all materials added to a sum of 0.85 us$ (85 cents, YES so cheap!). Here is that thing:
With it's two ports i can connect the phone via the same cable (a modified m/f-bus data cable) to either flash the phone (upload new operating system) or use it for data purposes (upload logos, send SMS etc). This "box" can now also be used to flash various other Npkia phones, in fact, all DCT-3 series models.
Now, let's see what i did with that flasher and my 5130, using Lito's genial flash file.
The following pictures do really show a Nokia 5130, made 1999! You won't find this anywhere to buy! Have a look:
standby screen, here without logo, using the GSM 1800 network ("Hello") See the
network graph on the left side? This is animated!! Looks like bubbles in water,
the graph is VERY precise, much more than the original 4-bar-graph.
SMS menu.....
Well, phone book :)
call register.....
call divert.....
But that is NOT all! These are already amazing, but the "real deal" is, like in a car, "under the hood". This phone got an extra feature, which no Nokia at all has got when it is innocent and brand new.... and specially not such an old one like this 5130! I am talking about a "slide show", that is, four pictures scrolling over another. The 5130, if you can remember it, did not have anything animated, so THIS one got not only the nice network graph, but also this slide show feature. Have a look:
This is the "entry", menu 4-4, pressing "OK" will start the show:
first picture.....
and last picture. These are scrolled from bottom-to-top, and after the fourth
picture stayed on the display for a few seconds, the phone reboots and can be
used normal again.
But that is STILL not all that can be done with that phone! What do you think, how many RINGTONES can that phone have? 30? No, crap, original. 45? Nope. 55?? Still nope. Lito, the genial filipino, managed to squeeze 66 (SIXTY-SIX!!!) highest-quality ringtones into that 5130!!! Those are partly even "dual-tone" versions, which sound almost like the new polyphonics! No bullshit! I can verify that with the following pictures:
SIXTY-SIX very good ringtones in such an old phone! But here Lito was still not finished, and on top of all that he put a cute little gimmick. When you lock the keypad, you get the following screen:
That "<<LaUrO>>" is in fact blinking!!! And when you want to unlock the keypad, this will come:
Also here, "<LaUrO>" is blinking! Nice little gag.....
All those pictures were taken with a digital camera, they are in no way "home made" with a graphics program. The phone used was my fellow 5130 with it's blue display LED's, and the file used was created by Lito Dicdican.
If you are interested in obtaining this same flash file for your own 5130, please mail Lito on THIS LINK (his file does NOT include the inverted LCD! It will then be black-on-white) or mail me on THIS LINK to get the inverted version.
Note: This file is created to work with Nokia 5130 version DSP-4 ONLY! Find out if your phone is compatible by pressing *#0000# and see it's software version. If the version is given with a leading "0", such as "05.61", you can use this modded version. If your version is without the "0", such as "5.61", then you unfortunately got a DSP-3 and that can NOT run this mod.
This page was uploaded on august 26th, 2003