Welcome to our Linx-Page...
Here you will find links to our favourite websites.... It is a critical page, because these connections should work anyhow, and any of them will open it's target in a new window, so you don't have to leave this homepage :)
As required by law in some countries, i hereby distance myself from the content of the linked websites, i am IN NO WAY responsible for the content of those websites! I am neither the creator of those sites, unless otherwise stated, nor do i have any influence on their creators and/or web masters.
GAY Links (no porn here! Only links to gay websites!)
The name says it.......
Singapore's gay community.....
Dragoncastle, gay Thailand/Asia website.....
www.fridae.com, singapore based, covering whole Asia.....
and here the well-known gaydar.co.uk, gay personals and
BALCONY Our preferred gay pub in Bangkok, must see !!!
NOKIA related links.....
The real thing - Nokia's own website!
Nokia U.S.A. - they got different phones, believe it or
Nokia Asia-Pacific - also other models, so - have a look!
PERSONAL Links.....
My friend Brian Lim Shihao from Singapore.....
NDCORNERSG A very nice done website of Andy from Singapore, with photos and lots of graphics... nice one!
Websitye of my
german-indonesian friend Alex Sudewo.....
GRITTMANN DESIGN Website if Sebastian Grittmann, very professional, with information about Webdesign and much more, in german!
CB-FUNK UND MEHR Also made by Sebastian Grittmann, very informative site about CB-radio and electronics, a must-see... in german!
My friend Ded - a cute thai guy! This website was created
by me, too :)
OTHER Links.....
PRESIDENT MODIFICATIONS Here Information about how to modify the only true CB-Rigs.....
Thailand's CDMA user community - in
thai! Very informative!
This site is being updated, as soon as we got new websites which are worth to see...
Want your site linked here? No probs... drop us an e-mail with the adress, and we'll take it from there.....